Admins Adding Users

To add a new Admin, Member or Guest user to your division, from your Divisions page, first click the division you want to work with (you'll most likely only have one available):

Then click the "+ Add New Member" button:

In the dropdown menu, make sure to select the type of user you want to addthen click Confirm and Invite.

Unlike "Members" and "Admins", Guests are free of charge :)

Users Accepting the Invitation

Already a Flowster User

If you have been invited to a division and you already have a Flowster account, all you need to do now is Log In.

Then, you'll see the new, invited division in the Divisions menu at the top right of the page, and you can select (activate) it:

NOT Already a Flowster User

If you have been invited to a division, and you have not signed up for Flowster yet, you'll receive an email that looks like this:

First, click that Join Flowster button.

Then using the same email you were invited with, enter the email, choose a password, and click Create Your Account:

Alternatively, you can click Register with Google and signup using that method. Just make sure to use the same email you were invited with.

After you're logged in, you should automatically be using the division you were invited to but if not, go to the My Divisions page and activate it.